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8 Comments1 October 2015  |  Lesley Wharton

Catch Chocolate Baroque's first TV appearance

17 September 2015  |  Lesley Wharton
17 September 2015  |  Lesley Wharton

Halloween Blocks by Florence

Here is a wonderful project from Florence using our Wood Art Blocks

2 Comments6 August 2015  |  Lesley Wharton

Indian Screen Card by Elaine

1 Comment4 June 2015  |  Lesley Wharton

Get into Mixed Media

Posted in  All
22 April 2015  |  Admin

Butterfly Dress

Posted in  All
9 April 2015  |  Lesley Wharton

Blooming marvellous - A review of the Blooming Impressions Flower Tool

9 Comments1 April 2015  |  Admin

Happy 4th Birthday to us

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